The CLSG group would like RN interest group members’ names, email addresses and places of
employment posted on the CLSG site in the near future. In order to do this we need permission from
you. This information is password-protected and will only be available to CLSG members. If you do not
want your information posted, please send us an email; otherwise we will assume permission is granted
to post.
Interest group membership will be inclusive to APNs and RNs moving forward and our group name will
be changed to RN Interest Group We will discuss how to engage our RN colleagues at future meeting.
Later this year there will be a “RN interest group” section on the CSLG website where important
documents will be posted. ( For example, terms of reference document, special project template,
meeting minutes, committee members names and contact, etc).
We reviewed the terms of reference document and the process for vetting special projects. Please
review at your convenience. Cindy sent out an email with attachment on October 5th.
With respect to special projects
- All project ideas must be submitted to the project sub-committee.
- The subcommittee will review the project’s relevance to the larger group mandate,
- The subcommittee will determine resources required from CLSG,
- The subcommittee will present the project to CLSG board for approval.
- CLSG can provide support with data analysis, costs for medical writing and fees associated with
research publication. - We decided that we will begin the process of brainstorming ideas for RN interest group projects.
For now, please “reply all” to the group email with your ideas. This process will also provide us
with an opportunity to learn about work currently being pursued in order to prevent
duplication. Once we have collected ideas, we will collate them into related groups and from
there will develop a template for formal submission of projects to the project subcommittee.