In attendance: Lynn Savoie, Andre Schuh, Catherine Eustace, John Storring, Joe Brandwein, Julie Bergeron, Brian Leber, Kristjan Paulson, Waleed Sabry, Cindy Murray
Administrative business:
Our year end was October 30th. We have to file taxes. There are no payments as we have not for profit status but there is a lot of paperwork.
Our annual general meeting will be in January. We will need to rotate the board membership.
It is soon time to start asking for more money.
Working Groups
National AML registry
Kristjan informed the group that everything is in place in Winnipeg and that data collection will start within the next week or two. The AG has approved the CRF’s. The roll out to other centres will take a while yet mainly due to DTA issues. Some centres should be ready by Dec-Jan and hopefully the rest by the end of 2022. The current funding is $3000.00 for start-up then $500 per patient.
Academic Advisory Group
Stephanie Desislets has volunteered to chair.
Interest Groups
Nurse Practitioners
Cindy Murray attended and presented on behalf of the group. They have now had 3 meetings. They have changed their name to be inclusive of all nurses. A discussion was had about the possible inclusion of other advanced practitioners and what could look like. Cindy will take this back to the group. There are now 21 members, 16 from Ontario, 2 in BC and 3 in Alberta. They have formed a steering committee and a project subcommittee. They have developed a framework for the submission of project ideas as well as terms of reference. They expect to have requests for projects early in the new year. It was confirmed that the membership of the interest group will be in the private section of the website.
There are now more members. A leader needs to be selected.
Catherine reinforced that we need to keep the momentum moving as we need to show results to our sponsors if we intend to ask them for more money.
Brian raised the question of when do we select the external expert to review our guidelines. It was felt that the committee should make the selection any time with the proposal to be vetted by the board. Catherine wondered if there should be criteria but it was felt that these would be variable by project.
It was also brought up as to when a journal for submission should be selected. Ideally this would be done prior to Christine starting to write the actual manuscript as the format can vary. “Current Oncology” was suggested as an option as it has now become the official journal of the CTTC with benefits to members. It was felt the CLSG could perhaps benefit from a similar arrangement.
AML in the elderly
There will be a call next week. Further work is necessary.
Treatment of APL
To be a call next week. Not advancing as quickly as the other projects, somewhat due to lack of leadership from the committee chair.
There was a phone call last week and the sections were divided up for review with a deadline. Some contention between the clinical and hematopathology factions. The goal would be submission for publication early in 2022.
Peg Asparaginase
Moving along well. The next step is for a draft that Christine is currently working on to go out to the group with assignments.
Action Items:
Cindy to talk to the other members of the nursing group regarding the possible inclusion of other advanced practitioners
Catherine will contact the person at Current Oncology – She will hire an accountant to file our taxes. She will touch base with the pharmacy group about appointing a leader.
Next meeting: December 6, 2021 5:30 PM EST