About Us
After years of repeated discussions, a group of Canadian leukemia-treating Hematologists (see Founding Board of Directors below) met in Vancouver on 22.09.2019 and agreed in principle to form the CLSG/GCEL as a not-for-profit corporation.
A Certificate of Incorporation (corporation # 1169662-9) under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act was issued on 23.10.2019.
At a subsequent meeting in Orlando on 06.12.2019, the group agreed on CLSG/GCEL By-Laws (finalized 17.12.2019), as well as on CLSG/GCEL membership and governance structure.
It was agreed that the corporation would have a three-tier structure consisting of a Board of Directors which would include four Officers (see below), an Academic Advisory Group (representing cross-country Medical Schools as well as AL programs not affiliated with a Medical School), and a larger General Membership pool. CLSG/GCEL would establish a number of permanent and time-limited working groups, staffed by members from all tiers of membership. The composition of the governing groups and of the working groups would evolve iteratively over time with input and recruitment from the General Membership. Rules governing this process are found in the By-Laws.
CLSG/GCEL will also identify an Executive Director with administrative and business responsibilities.
The structure of CLSG/GCEL is shown schematically as follows:
The general membership is the pool from which the Board of Directors and the Academic Advisory Group are elected, and these groups provide governance to topic-specific working groups.

Board of Directors

Yasser Abou Mourad
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC

Lynn Savoie
University of Calgary

Joe Brandwein
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB

Waleed Sabry
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK

Kristjan Paulson
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB

Lalit Saini
University of Western Ontario

Brian Leber
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON

Andre Schuh
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON

Julie Bergeron
Université de Montréal
Montreal, QC

John Storring
Montreal, QC
Founding Officers
Andre Schuh
Chair of the Board
(Founding termc,d,e 2 years)
Julie Bergeron
Vice-Chair of the Board
(Founding termc,d,e 2 years)
Lynn Savoie
(Founding termc,d,e 3 years)
Brian Leber
(Founding termc,d,e 3 years)
Academic Advisory Group
Stéphanie Désilet
Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, QC
John Storring
McGill University
Montreal, QC
Waleed Sabry
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK
Brian Leber
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON
Julie Bergeron
Université de Montréal
Montreal, QC
Lalit Saini
University of Western Ontario
London, ON
Kristjan Paulson
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB
Joseph Brandwein
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AL
Caroline Hamm
University of Western Ontario
Windsor, ON
Mahmoud Elsawy
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS
Fréderic Barabé
Université Laval
Laval, QC
Lee Mozessohn
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
Michelle Geddes
University of Calgary
Calary, AB
Nicholas Finn
University of Moncton
Moncton, NB
Mitchell Sabloff
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, ON
David Sanford
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC
Karen Yee
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
Guillaume Carpentier
Queen's University
Kingston, ON
David Jones
Memorial University
St. John's, NL
a as of 01.06.2020
b subsequent board members will be elected, and their terms of office will be adefined, as inbsections 26 and 27 of the CLSG/GCEL bylaws
c the Academic Advisory Group, taken together with the Board of Directors, will bensure cross-country representation
d potentially renewable, but if ‘Chair of Board’ position is not renewed, then ‘Vice-Chair of the Board’ becomes the next ‘Chair of the Board’.
e subsequent officers will be elected, and their terms of office will be defined, as in bsections 26 and 27 of the CLSG/GCEL bylaws
f retired officers may agree to continue to assist in an ‘emeritus’ role